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Faith of a Fisherman:
Life by the Sea (Philippines)

Insert description of the video here. lorem ipsum blah blah blah, make it sound enticing but don't give it all away. Hint at the conlcusion to be drawn from the video.

Faith of a Fisherman: Life by the Sea (Philippines)
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Seeds of Shalom:
Uyag Development Center (UDC) (Philippines)

Insert description of the video here. lorem ipsum blah blah blah, make it sound enticing but don't give it all away. Hint at the conlcusion to be drawn from the video.

Seeds of Shalom: Uyag Uyag Development Center {Philippines)
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Who Tends The Garden?
Conversations in Creation Care (Singapore)

Insert description of the video here. lorem ipsum blah blah blah, make it sound enticing but don't give it all away. Hint at the conlcusion to be drawn from the video.

Who Tends The Garden? Conversations in Creation Care (Singapore)
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Build Slow:
Renovating Community (Singapore)

Insert description of the video here. lorem ipsum blah blah blah, make it sound enticing but don't give it all away. Hint at the conlcusion to be drawn from the video.

Build Slow: Renovating Community (Singapore)
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