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A collection of short films from around the world featuring stories of lives of faith in God's creation.

At the heart of it all is a story...

God's story begins with creation, moves to redemption and ultimately ends in full restoration. The Creator of the universe is also the Redeemer and Restorer of all creation: from the beginning, God's design is for whole relationships between Creator and creation.​


Creation Care Stories is about highlighting these relationships with Creator and within creation.

USA, Oregon, Bryar's Point [Covenant]_CP.jpg



Pastor & Fisherman: Felmar's Story

As an island nation, the Philippines is seasoned to the regular occurance of typhoons. The 2013 Super Typhoon Yolanda (known as "Haiyan" internationally)  is still the most devastating one to hit the island of Samar. Samar is the place Felmar calls home.

"...I resonate with Peter when he is called to be a fisher of men. I know what that means now..."

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